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+ 55 11 3052.4233 [email protected]
Marina Uyeda



   [email protected]

Marina Uyeda received her LL.B. degree from the São Paulo Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2012) with a minor in International Relations in the Contemporary World at Social Sciences FGV School (2013). She is a M.A. in the Environment and Sustainability Program at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. She also has a specialization in Leadership and Management from Harvard Business School Online and is certified in the “Negotiation Mastery” program from Harvard Business School and “Negotiation and Leadership” from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.

Marina joined Faleck & Associados on August, 2019, and has been working as a negotiator, mediator and facilitator. She has been allocated in compensation programs with the use of facilitation and mediation, stemming from major national tragedies and complex situations.

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