founding partner
Diego Faleck is a full-time mediator, settlement counsel and a dispute systems designer, with a unique track record in complex business mediations, national and international, and disputes systems design for victim’s compensations due to major disasters in Brazil and other complex cases and corporate solutions. He received his LL.M. degree from Harvard Law School and his Phd degree from the University of São Paulo. Mr. Faleck served as Interim Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Economic Law of the Ministry of Justice in Brazil, Chairman of the Council of the Federal Fund of Protection of Collective Rights and commissioner at the National Commission of Private Insurance of the Ministry of Finance (2007-2011)
Mr. Faleck is a member of the panel of distinguished neutrals of the CPR Institute and other prestigious rosters of mediators in Brazil. He was highlighted at the 2015, 2016 and 2017 editions of Who’s Who Legal Mediation and recently for the prestigious Who’s Who Global Elite Thought Leaders 2020 (top 2% in the field worldwide) and recognized as the leading mediator in Latin America. He has been featured as a prominent dispute systems designer in Harvard Professors’ Frank E. A. Sander and Robert C. Bordone (et al.) publication “Designing Systems and Processes…” (Wolters Kluwer, 2013, appendix one).
Mr. Faleck has several national and international publications on dispute resolution. He is a frequent speaker both at Brazilian and International Colloquiums (e.g. Harvard Law School – Program on Negotiation – 2010, invited professor for Harvard Law School classes on Dispute Systems Design – 2010 and 2013, speaker at Columbia Law School, New York University, Fordham University, King’s College London, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia). He been invited for the keynote speech at the International CPR Congress in São Paulo (2018) and the CBAR Mediation Congress (2017). He was honoured with the invitation to serve as mediator for the great finals of both the 13th ICC Mediation Competition (2018) and the 4th CDRC Vienna/IBA International Negotiation and Mediation Competition, (2017), which are the most important educational events for mediation students in the World.
Mr. Faleck served as professor of negotiation, mediation and disputes systems design at the São Paulo Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2009 – 2016) and in Rio de Janeiro (2014-2015). Mr. Faleck is an Adjunct Professor in advanced topics in dispute resolution and disputes systems design at the Straus Institute at Pepperdine School of Law (#1 ranked program in Dispute Resolution according to US News for 13 years in a row).
- FALECK, Diego. Manual de Design de Sistemas de Disputas: Criação de Estratégias e Processos Eficazes para Tratar Conflitos. Editora Lumen Iuris, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
- FALECK, Diego. Lost Lawyer Found: The Problem-Solving Lawyer. Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.
- FALECK, Diego. Letter from São Paulo. Harvard Law Bulletin, Cambridge – MA (USA), June 4th, 2009.
- FALECK, Diego. Introdução ao Design de Sistemas de Disputas: Câmara de Indenização 3054. Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Porto Alegre e Curitiba, ano V, n. 23, p. 7-32, jun.-ago.-set. 2009.
- FALECK, Diego. Desenho de Sistemas de Disputas e o Rompimento das Barragens de Fundão e Santarém: Programa de Indenização Mediada (PIM). Revista da Defensoria Pública do Estado de Minas Gerais, Minas Gerais, ano I, n. 2, p. 13 -15, nov. 2017.
- FALECK, Diego. Mediação Empresarial: Introdução e Aspectos Práticos. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação: RArb, São Paulo, v. 11 n.42, p. 263-278, jul/set. 2014.
- FALECK, Diego. Do programa extrajudicial de prevenção ou reparação de danos: inovação da Lei de Ação Civil Pública. In: ASSIS, Araken de; MOLINARO, Carlos Alberto; GOMES JUNIOR, Luiz Manoel; MILHORANZA, Mariangela Guerreiro. Processo Coletivo e Outros Temas de Direito Processual. Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advogado, 2012.
- FALECK, Diego. ALVES, Rafael Francisco. Concordar em discordar: por quê, o quê e como negociar o procedimento arbitral. Revista de Direito Empresarial, São Paulo, v.1, p. 249 – 280, 2014.
- FALECK, Diego. Desenho de Sistemas de Disputas (DSD): Raízes do Dispute Review Board (DRB). In: MARCONDES, Fernando (Coord.). Direito da Construção, estudos sobre as várias áreas do direito aplicadas ao mercado da construção. São Paulo: Pini, 2014.
- FALECK, Diego ; TARTUCE, Fernanda. ; GABBAY, Daniela. Meios alternativos de solução de conflitos. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2013. v. 1. 96p
- FALECK, Diego; TARTUCE, F. Introdução histórica e modelos de mediação. In: Armando Sérgio Prado de Toledo; Jorge Tosta; José Carlos Ferreira Alves. (Org.). Estudos Avançados de Mediação e Arbitragem. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2014, v. , p. 171-189.
- FALECK, Diego. Um passo adiante para resolver problemas complexos: desenho de sistemas de disputas. In: Carlos Alberto de Salles; Marco Antônio Garcia Lopes Lorencini; Paulo Eduardo Alves da Silva. (Org.). Negociação, Mediação e Arbitragem – curso básico para programas de graduação em Direito. 1ed.São Paulo: Método, 2013, v. , p. 257-272
- Lei de Mediação Comentada Artigo por Artigo. Coord: Trícia Navarro Xavier Cabral e César Felipe Curi. São Paulo, Ed. Foco, 2018 – comentário ao art. 43.
- Código de Processo Civil Anotado. Coord. José Rogério Cruz e Tucci, Manoel Caetano Ferreira Filho, Ricardo Aprigliano, Rogéria Dotti e Sandro Gilbert Martins, AASP – OAB/PR, 2018 – comentários aos arts. 165 a 175.