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Diego El-Jaick


senior associate

   [email protected]

Diego El-Jaick holds a master’s degree in Procedural Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) with a research focus on Citizenship, State, and Globalization. He has an L.L.M. in Corporate Law from IBMEC – Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets and a bachelor’s degree from the University Cândido Mendes in Rio de Janeiro (UCAM).

Diego joined Faleck & Associates in October 2016 and has been involved in supervising and coordinating compensation programs using mediation for high-profile national cases, conducting hundreds of individual and collective mediations, as well as direct involvement in complex business negotiations. He also leads and has led Agreement Initiatives focused on civil and labor dispute negotiations, managing complex processes and people in the Energy and Logistics sectors. He coordinates projects for crisis management, both pre-crisis and post-crisis, using facilitators to facilitate dialogue resumption and maintenance.

He previously worked as a case manager at NUPEMEC/RJ – Permanent Center for Consensual Dispute Resolution Methods in Rio de Janeiro. Certified as a judicial mediator by the State Court of Rio de Janeiro, he mediated numerous civil and business cases, as well as the consensus-building process involving high school students and the State Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro, resulting in multiple benefits and the peaceful evacuation of SEEDUC and other schools.

He is a Mediator at the Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration and holds IMI (International Mediation Institute) Certification – Qualifying Access Program Level 1. He is also a member of the Mediation Committees of OAB/RJ (Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro Chapter).

Diego is a certified judicial mediation instructor by CNJ – National Council of Justice and serves as a professor, instructor, and guest lecturer on topics related to Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, negotiation, private and judicial mediation, Dispute System Design (DSD), and consensus-building in multiparty processes at various locations, including the School of Superior Advocacy (ESA), the State Court of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ), the State Court of Espírito Santo (TJES), the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, AB Private Mediation Chamber, the School of Magistracy of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ), and in the postgraduate program in procedural law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He is also a guest professor in the postgraduate program in Negotiated Conflict Management at the Faculty of Law of Vitória – FDV.

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